ICT 203

In the previous class sir had given us to find the difference between HTML4 and HTML5. In order to have an interactive class sir asked us to group ourselves where every body has to contribute their points and after the discussion one of the member has to provide the answer to the class. For me it was a interesting class because  i was able to interact with the classmates and share our views to one another. I  got to know few differences between HTML4 and HTML5 that is in HTML5 we can have the freedom of using audio,video and new tags have introduced like nav,canvas and many more where HTML4 does not  have.


  1. How is interaction with others fun to learn?

  2. It is fun with others especially with friends because we feel more comfortable with them to ask our doubts and ask feedback from them so that we can learn and we are able to share our ideas to each other.
